rockstar runner

your name: Lori Beneteau

Who are you? Mother-runner, rookie, naturalist, athlete, planner, dreamer….tell us about YOUR LIFE ON THE RUN….

I am most definitely a Rookie Runner. Last year I was asked to run a 5k race with a friend. I am not sure why she asked me, because I wasn’t a runner. I was going to say no until she told me the date of the run, and that date would be the first anniversary of my mom’s passing. Right then I knew it was a sign that I was to run the race and run it in memory of my mom. Now that race will become an annual tradition :)

Which rockstar medal did you wear the longest…maybe even slept in?

My medal from my first race because of the significance of that race.

Tell us about the 1st time you stepped on the road…how far did you go? what do you remember thinking?

The first time I stepped on the road was actually a farm lane where no one could see me – lol. I couldn’t run far or fast for long stretches, but running made me feel free. It was an amazing experience!!

What has running taught you about life?

Running has taught me that nothing is quite as bad after a good run.

In 1-5 words: why do you run? what is your inspiration?

I run to feel free.

untold chapter….what do you have coming up…your next mile marker?

I am still running 5k races, but by the fall I hope to run 10k races….then next year I hope a half marathon!! :)

Favorite Post-run drink/food?

Coffee!!! I love coffee. Maybe a spoonful of peanutbutter too :)

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