green huckster

Day 2 of 40 days sans coffee during Lent season. Trying to introduce some morning madness into my day….so I made the Pineapple-Kale Juice from the latest OPRAH magazine written by Dr. Oz re: body cleansing and detox. Green smoothie was pretty good. I used my blender so added about a cup of water and some ice.1/2 cup pineapple4 cups chopped Kale leaves (no stems)2 large cucumbers1/2 lemon squeezed1/2 cup mint2 artichoke hearts (from can or jar)Pineapple contains digestive enzymes and is an awesome anti-inflammatory fruit, Kale is rich in compounds that support enzymes in the liver (and alkaline ph), and artichokes can improve bile flow.Anyone have some more green madness to share?