Posts tagged diy recipes
Love the Skin you are in... DIY essential oil recipes

Let’s talk about the Integumentary System and some fun DIY SKIN RECIPES using essential oils. Did you know that your skin is the largest organ on your body (and often the most overlooked)? Your integumentary system regulates your body temperature, clears your body of toxins, alerts you when your hormones are out of balance, it’s the first line of defense against outside threats, and tells you if something deeper in your body is going on. This short list doesn’t even scratch the surface of how much this system does for our bodies.

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Cleaner for the Kitchen

I have some devastating news… common everyday products MANY households use are hurting not helping you. You may be wondering...wait!? What!?...but Nikki, this says “natural” on the label. So I am good right!? Lots of “natural” products that say “natural” on the label are LOADED with chemicals, phthalates, and hormone disruptors that are bombarding your body. 😲

♻️ But wait! There is good news! Making your home healthier does not have to be expensive or complicated. Here are some tricks recipes to make your life easier, greener, and will save you money!


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