Lavender Love

The lavender essential oil supports the immune system, the nervous system, and the cardiovascular system. Used topically, Lavender can help keep the skin and scalp looking clean and healthy. It can also soothe minor skin irritations and bites. Lavender helps ease feelings of anxiousness and can be particularly calming during times of stress. It evokes feelings of self-awareness and relaxation.


All Things Lavender

  • Did you know that lavender is a flowering plant of the mint family?

  • It is one of the most aromatic and highly versatile plants in the world.

  • Known for its sweet-floral aroma and calming properties, lavender is a popular component used in many personal care products, aromatherapy, and even in the culinary world.

  • For restful sleep, diffuse Lavender oil at bedtime to calm your mind and create a peaceful environment.

  • Take internally to reduce anxious feelings.

  • Use in cooking to soften citrus flavors and to add a flavorful twist to marinades, baked goods, and desserts.

  • You can add Lavender to an evening bath to soak away the cares of the day, or put a drop on your pillow at night.

  • Freshen your linen closet, mattress, car, or the air by combining Lavender with water in a spray bottle.

  • Keep a bottle of Lavender on hand to soothe occasional skin irritations.

Calming Solutions

  • Lavender supports a restful night’s sleep. Diffuse it before bed, drop a couple of drops on the bottom of your feet or on your pillow and catch some good zzz's.

  • Take a lavender bath:  drop a couple of drops in your bath along with some Epsom salts for an ultra-relaxing experience.

  • Head-to-toe rest: after a hard workout or a long day on your feet, rub lavender along with lemongrass on your legs and feet. it will help soothe sore muscles and fully rest.

  • The oatmeal secret: fill a small mason jar with oatmeal, add 5-8 drops of lavender oil. When it’s time to wash your face, add water, and it becomes a natural scrub! Little goes a long way.



This is my daughter Kate's fave oil at night. We make a bedtime peace-out spray: it’s so much cheaper than anything you can find at a shop and it’s pure + natural + uh-mazing for good zzz's.

  • 1 oz spray bottle

  • 20 drops lavender essential oil

  • fill with water

  • shake and spritz pillow and bedding

Quick Fix

Bites and stings from bees, wasps, ants, and other insects are always a possibility when gardening, even for the most careful gardener. If this unfortunate occurrence happens to you, apply Lavender essential oil directly to the bite or sting for a soothing and comforting sensation.

Wanna get some of this uh-mazing oil? contact me to get the hook-up and education for the best price and education! I teach webinars, classes and more.

xoxo Nikki