rockstar Nicole

Your Name

Cathy Ahearn

Nominee Name

Nicole Gutman

Why are you inspired by this rockstar runner?

Through a series of set backs due to injury, Nicole never gave up and is now RUNNING STRONG and injury free and totally prepared for the Miami Half Marathon on Feb 2!!!

How is your rockstar runner impacting the community, her family, her workplace, her world?

Aside from being a wife and mother of two beautiful girls (one who just started Brown University as a Freshman) Nicole is in charge of the School Re-Entry Program for Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology at Stony Brook Hospital in NY. Under this program children with cancer are helped to make the transition back to school and a normal life.

The School Re-Entry Program is the only one of its kind on Long Island and has received national media attention for its success. The program is a collaborative effort of Stony Brook physicians, nurses, child life specialists, and educational liaisons who work with school personnel to facilitate a child’s return to the classroom. The Stony Brook team prepares each child before he/she returns to school, coordinates tutoring services, establishes open communication with the child’s home school, and travels to the school to educate the child’s fellow classmates about cancer and how they can support their classmate.

With a full plate, Nicole manages to still find time to be a rockstar runner and keep herself healthy and fit.