adventure awaits...

When was the last time you did something for the first time? the magnificent run gifts me many first times… my first 5k. the first time i ran a 9min mile. my first 26.2. the first time i ran 5 miles without walking. tomorrow is my first FIFTY miler. Every FIRST time is scary + exciting + crazy + new. The brain always goes to past experiences to figure stuff out so that it can tell ya what to do and feel. Anytime you put yourself out there and dream and make a goal to do something totally out of your comfort zone…it’s like that 1st birthing experience….painful + beautiful + scary + unforgettable all at the same time! I am allowing the emotions to ebb & flow as my mind tries to make sense of this new distance that we are about to move through. Fifty miles is a long way to question and let go and BE. A running-ultra friend said to go into the run with gratitude + love + patience for all the lessons to be learnt on the course. I like that…being open + humble + loving the new, instead of fear + control + blind comparisons of the past. So let go oh-rational-brain….the heart is ready to run…so stop thinking…. ain’t nothing I’ve done before comes close to the adventure that awaits. xoxo Nikki

(huge thanks to EnerChi Fitness for suggestions + advice. And for the practice of good running technique…without which we would not have been able to attempt this great adventure)