rockstar Michelle...

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Your name: Michelle Dragoo

Who are you? Mother-runner, rookie, naturalist, athlete, planner, dreamer….tell us about YOUR LIFE ON THE RUN….

I am a retired Air Force Veteran, 2 time full marathoner, Half Fanatic #3915, Mom, wife, friend, and career woman. I started running in junior high school to find my place in life as well as battle depression and I haven’t looked back. My first long distance race was in 2007 where on a whim I decided to train and run a half marathon in less than 8 weeks. I was battling pretty severe depression and needed an outlet. So I ran…I trained, and I fell in love with distance running. My first half marathon was completed in 2:19, and I have since PR’d at 2:02 for my half marathon stats. I retired from the Air Force in 2011 and felt completely LOST…so what did I do? I decided I would train for the Chicago MARATHON in 2012, with a goal to FINISH a full marathon before I turned 40. This was probably the toughest race of my life, but I finished strong with my sister with a time of 5:23. After which I went off depression meds, which is something I will never look back on. I swore I’d never run another full marathon, and concentrated on becoming a half fanatic the following spring…the fire was lit, and I just needed to run. I trained for and ran my SECOND full marathon in 2013, cutting nearly an hour off my time finishing at 4:25 with a negative split half…

Which rockstar medal did you wear the longest…maybe even slept in?

Chicago Marathon 2012….I still stare at it…LOL! I also love my Trail Breaker half medal, which is my PR medal and an amazing trip with my friend.

Tell us about the 1st time you stepped on the road…how far did you go? what do you remember thinking?

Being in the Air Force, I have always RAN…but no more than a couple miles. When training for my first half in 2007 I couldn’t run more than a mile without stopping. I thought, WHAT….WHY do people enjoy this? Yet now I see…after the first couple miles you aren’t running, you are flying…and it’s a glorious feeling to endure…

What has running taught you about life?

Running has taught me several things. Firstly, you get back what you put in….train, work hard, and the times will be squashed and miles ran. Secondly, it has taught me that I am stronger than I ever thought possible. I can DO IT, if I put my mind, heart, and the work needed into training. Lastly, running has taught me/shown me an amazing support group of runners and friends that I could have never imagined.

In 1-5 words: why do you run? what is your inspiration?

Therapy, family, peace, release, and ME

untold chapter….what do you have coming up…your next mile marker?

I am reeling back a little, and focusing on speed and strength this year. Training for full marathons the last 2 years have taken their toll so I am allowing myself a step back to heal, and move faster!

Best guilty pleasure?


Favorite Post-run drink/food?

Bacon and eggs

Fave running book?

Running the Edge

Running facebook page?