rockstar Cathy...

Your Name: Cathy Ahearn

Who are you? Mother-runner, rookie, naturalist, athlete, planner, dreamer….tell us about YOUR LIFE ON THE RUN….

THE PLANNER, hands down! I am a 47 year RRCA running coach, fitness and indoor cycling instructor. More importantly, I am a wife and a mother of three beautiful children ages 7-18. I began my fitness journey over twenty years ago. Although I wasn’t certified back then, I always found a way to promote good health and fitness. As the Director of Special Events for the American Lung Association, I used the fitness arena as my venue to not only raise money but to get the community involved in healthy activities. I coordinated everything from century bike tours to aerobic dance performances at New York Jet Halftime Shows.

At age 40 I had a major life change. I remarried and although it was late in life, I had my third child. This was a time for real change for me. I became certified as a coach and instructor and my mantra since then has been “Don’t make excuses not to commit, commit to not making excuses”. I want others to know there are NO excuses to live the life you want and deserve!!! It’s never too late to do what you love to do. My love for for run has brought me to where I am today, I am dedicated to helping others achieve their running goals through education, training properly and planning to get the best results possible.

Tell us about the 1st time you stepped on the road…how far did you go? what do you remember thinking?

I honestly don’t remember the first time I stepped out on the road but I do remember I knew very little about running and training properly. The over training and uninformed choices didn’t catch up with me until later in life when I suffered numerous injuries. I finally decided it was time to train smart. Through years of learning and education, today I can say I am stronger than I’ve ever been. I know that a goal without a plan is useless, knowledge is power and you must incorporate good training principles into your workouts to achieve success.

What has running taught you about life?

Running is a perfect metaphor for life itself!!! During the miles, we build friendships, struggle to achieve our goals, experience victories and defeat. It exposes our strength and weaknesses but in the end running aspires us to be the best we can be!

In 1-5 words: why do you run? what is your inspiration?

I run because it fuels my body, mind, heart and soul.

untold chapter….what do you have coming up…your next mile marker?

The untold chapter for me is to reach as many athletes I can and help them to Learn To Run Strong!

Best guilty pleasure?

Chocolate and Wine (not together)

Favorite Post-run drink/food?

chocolate milk

Fave running book?

Lore Of Running

Do you have a facebook run page or website?