next best thing to a run???

t is with great sadness that i have put my running shoes on the top shelf for a week or so due to the numbing pain on the top of my foot….possibly a stress fracture?  the injury happened when i overzealously ran 8 miles in 2 days with my new five finger shoes. instead of listening to the countless articles i read about starting slow – i overdid it and am now paying the torturous price.

so instead of running – i have resorted to some reading about running.  the next best thing to a good long sweaty run? a book about it? not quite….i am left feeling unsatisfied and quite sad.  it is the breaking away from the house, the little something in my day that is all ME! the giving back to my own cup of sanity….the sweat and burn in my legs and fighting for air that leaves me feeling humble and powerful at the same time. a run that makes me ready to conquer my one-year old battles of what to eat, why not to whine, and give me the strength again to hold a squirmy angel on my hip bone knowing that tomorrow the run will be there waiting for me again.

hope this foot heals soon….i promise….this time i am really resting. so when my foot starts to feel somewhat better in a couple days, i am not heading out there to only wake up the following day with the pain again. this time – i am going to stop running for a solid week, at least.



bodyNikki Blantoninjured