mighty kale...

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This is one of our all time favorite salads – and to think it is made with the mighty kale! It is a quick go-to for lunch.  Awesome as a side for dinner with chicken, steak or lamb.  And I have made a huge bowl for parties – and get hounded for the recipe by friends. So here it is kaleicious friends…feast on this wholesome bowl of green goodness and bask in the many nutritional benefits of the mighty kale…low in calories + high in fiber +  zero fat + high in iron + high in Vit K + powerful antioxidants + anti-inflammatory food + high in Vit A + detox + hight in Calcium and Vit C.


  • kale (already cut up in bag at Publix) -half the bag
  • craisins: 1/2 cup
  • sunflower seeds: 1/4 cup

Dressing, mix together:

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • juice from 1 lemon
  • 2 teaspoons chili powder

In large bowl….pour dressing onto kale and massage into leaves until they wilt.  Add craisins and sunflower seeds.

bodyNikki Blantonfuel, food, recipe