
The countdown has begun to our marathon on Jan 9, 2011.  Trying our best to stay on schedule – our long runs have gotten LONG – I mean seriously, who ever thought this group of friends and family would ever schedule a weekend around what to eat, when to sleep and how far to run. With less than a dozen weekends before race day and between Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Eve – we are getting down and dirty.  Immersed in sweat, minds focused and with aching legs that honestly feel like at some point 10lb weights were strangely attached to the bottom of our sneakers, we push through to the end of the long run goal.  Dusted throughout the hours and hours of running, we tell jokes, trip, drink, and almost cry…my brother brought his video camera to yesterday’s run and created this awesome trailer to jolt us back to LIFE….to remind us to take the time to remember that THIS is the journey – THIS is the making of the race.  We have lost and gained runners along the way, empathized injuries, cheered triumphant runs and scorned bad routes.

Laugh, live and breathe the experience of the struggle, feel the burn and smile at our Sunday 20 mile run on the road and through the woods.

Cheers to runners everywhere!