"baby its cold outside..."

SOLE Tip: “When running in the cold, dress as though it’s 20 degrees warmer than it actually is. You may be chilly in the beginning, but after the first 5 minutes your internal engine will keep you warm.”

Thought this was a great way of thinking about what to wear when it is cold outside – I have a tendency to overdress and then am cold AND wet when I start sweating….I HATE being cold….I know, I know, we are super spoilt in Florida – our cold is 40degrees compared to below freezing up North with snow…ugh!   So if it is 35 outside –  don a hat and gloves. Nearly a quarter of your body heat escapes through your head, a hat is like a portable temperature regulator. Put it on when you start a cold run, take it off when you heat up; put it back on when you’re cooling down toward the end of your run…..my brand of choice….the BUFF….love it…can be worn in multiple ways and also wraps around your arm as a sweat band.  Same goes for gloves or mittens. Mittens keep your hands warmer than gloves by creating a big warm air pocket around your entire hand. Taking them off allows you to dump a lot of heat. Wear layers that wick moisture AWAY from you – so that as you start sweating the cold wind does not make you cold and wet…

Still stressing about last years Disney Marathon when it was 20degrees outside!!!!! The farmers almanac for January 9, 2011 says “unseasonably cold” – just hoping all the ads I see in the running magazines where runners flaunt shorts and a tee for the January Disney Marathon comes true….pretty please.

The “perfect running temperature” has been scientifically debated to be somewhere around 50-54 degrees!! Most people begin to slow after 55 degrees and can really “hit the wall” if the temperature rises above 65 degrees while racing….come on Fairy Godmother and Tinker bell – sprinkle some pixie dust and bring on 55degree temps.  That would mean dress like it is 75…..ahhh perfect :)

Happy Trails

bodyNikki Blanton