Simple Life


What Lemon Essential Oil Is Used For

Cleansing, energizing, and emotionally invigorating, Lemon is the perfect oil to diffuse for encouraging a positive mood. Taken internally, Lemon can assist with seasonal respiratory discomfort and provide cleansing and digestive benefits.*

The lemon essential oil has a clean, fresh, citrus scent and is known to support healthy respiratory function.* doTERRA Lemon essential oil is sourced in Italy and Brazil, which offer ideal growing conditions for producing this bright and tangy essential oil.

Lemon essential oil is cold-pressed from the rind of the fruit. On average, a single Lemon tree produces between 500 and 600 lemons a year, which yield approximately seven ounces of Lemon essential oil annually.

The primary constituent of Lemon essential oil is Limonene, which is a popular ingredient in household cleaning products. You can make your own green cleaning products with Lemon essential that are free of harmful chemicals and safe for your home and family.

Having a crazy week & no time to shop?

Essential oils can replace herbs and fruit in your recipes!!!


  • Replace lemon juice with 2 drops of Lemon oil in your smoothies... it tastes delicious and so good for ya!

  • Add a few drops to marinades for fish and chicken or add a little zing to salad dressings.

  • A favorite addition to cookies, cakes, puddings, and pastries.