"aha" I am a runner

Picture this: Girls Get Away Weekend....princess style PENTHOUSE suite,  white pizza, martinis, wine, champagne, sun, sand and music.  Now imagine a buzzing alarm clock piercing the castle of dreams at 6am screaming the words: time to run!

Ugh, are you kidding me?  Okay, so I peel myself out of my beautiful bed and don my running gear. Out on the beach, the sun begins to rise casting golden rays and shadows on the white sand,  however I battle to stay motivated.  It feels as if my legs are sinking into the sand. My heart beating to a different drum.  I change my music a couple times - then switch it off and hope to feel energized by the sound of the ocean.  It took all my will to finish the 5 miles.  And then it hit me:  there was no battle to fight this morning, there was no scheduling of babysitters, no yanking the yellow tape across the door to escape, no guilt, no oatmeal smeared on my shirt.  At home, there are all those things....So by the time I get to the run - I already feel a sense of victory.  I already feel at peace. A beautiful accomplishment for carving out time for me.  But with three days of blissful ME - sans children and a husband - I felt like I was missing the battle....just for a second....it felt too easy. MILE FOUR - it hit me - my aha moment.  I AM A RUNNER!!!  If I woke myself up at 6am to run during an awesome girl getaway weekend filled with indecent guilty pleasures - a 6am run on the beach screams:  commitment and dedication.  And in the silence of my mind I know fore sure that I am a runner!

I arrived back to the penthouse suite, sweaty, thirsty and hungry.  Jumped in the shower, cuddled with my bathrobe and coffee and a bagel and wondered what time is happy hour?