Calling all Fashionista-Mom-Preneurs crushing finish-lines AND your brand-image!

5 Tips on What Not to Wear from the Gym to the Grocery Store... 

...from image expert, Wendy Lyn, who has coached thousands on image, beauty, and personal branding. She speaks to corporate and women’s groups and is the author of the bestselling book, Naked to Knockout™ Beauty from the Inside Out.

You’ve probably been there before…an early morning run or workout followed by a rush home to get the kids ready and off to school and then…Then, while you’re already out you decide to go ahead and make wise use of your time to run a couple of errands. It is a great idea to use your time wisely, that’s a no brainer. The problem is that you look AND smell like a locker room.

Do you think it's ok to go shopping post-workout in your running tights and sports bra? I think not. But before you cast insults or want to throw a stone please hear me out. I realize that for many women <who are actually working out> are in great shape and they embody the essence of hard work. You’ve achieved a body you’re proud of through much blood, sweat and tears and there’s nothing wrong with being proud of it. As an athlete myself, I admire that kind of determination and work ethic. However, as an image coach that works with thousands of women on body image and appropriateness, dressing shabbily WILL damage your reputation, spoil your brand, and at the least: lessen your confidence. Unless your job is in fact, being the yoga instructor, gym owner or personal trainer, you want to give some attention to perception.

Knowing how you are being perceived in the community you live and serve is a key component to understanding. Understanding is the beginning of making a meaningful impact and real connections with others. You only have about 30 seconds to convey a message in a non-verbal way to someone – ie “first impression”, you want to take that opportunity to heart, and attempt to make the best first impression possible. It’s likely that the one person you’ve been wanting to get in touch with, you need to schedule a meeting with, the ‘somebody’ you’d love to book an appointment with is most likely going to appear on the day, time and place that YOU don't look your best. It’s bound to happen…

I was once told that horses sweat, men perspire and women GLOW. < LOL > Yes. Some women glow and some drip water pellets that rank of a smell like molded broccoli. A great option is to use these wipes and then reapply deodorant. I personally keep them in my car for my daughters and myself in case we get “caught” going from a practice or workout to work.

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There’s hope ladies. Following is a list of WHAT TO WEAR AFTER A WORKOUT to run your errands…I sure hope it helps give you some ideas to be just a bit more savvy with knockout style, even in your casual attire.

Tip #1 Add a vest over your top. Here’s another great vest option. Whether it’s cool outside or not, a lightweight vest will cover your chest area, bra straps and hide evidence of a good sweaty workout…and that’s a good thing.

Tip #2 Wear a hi-low top so that your booty area is completely covered! We do not want to see the outline of your undies, be caught guessing whether you even have any on, or worse see the top of your thong coming out of the top of your pants. The workout capsule pictures pants that have a skirt attached and this is a brilliant way to keep the attention away from your bottom as it should be. Another idea that will do the trick is to take a jacket or sweatshirt with you so that after the workout, you can wrap it around your waist as seen in picture below.

Tip #3 Tops that have ruching are fabulous for being your secret trick to hiding a less than flat middle. Extra fabric gaps and folds, along with a longer style top makes for a better visual apparel when your goal is a casual look.

Tip #4 Plus size women can look super stylish with a wide band pant and looser fitting top. Make sure that the straps on a sleeveless top are wide enough to cover your own bra straps and that the underarm hole doesn’t expose too much skin; you know what I mean…

Perhaps this post is a simple reminder to most of you or better, an affirmation to what you’re already doing. For some though, if you haven’t considered the value of your appearance in public after a workout, I do hope this challenges you to not go to the grocery from the gym without giving some attention to what you are wearing, what you smell like and ultimately, what you look like. If your hair needs a ball cap, visor or a ponytail, by all means add that accessory along with a touch of lip gloss and powder and you’ll be looking sassy while crossing off your to-do list.

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Wendy Lyn Phillips is an image expert. As an entrepreneur for all of her adult life, she understands the value of having a compelling presence and how it will create more open door opportunities. She’s coached thousands on image, beauty, and personal branding. She speaks to corporate and women’s groups and is the author of the bestselling book, Naked to Knockout™ Beauty from the Inside Out. Visit to register and receive her free Style Guide.


Nikki Blanton